/* * UART.c * * Created: 25/11/2021 16:26:10 * Author: n0x */ #include "UART.h" /* create structs for TX and TX buffer */ CircularBuffer TxBuffer; CircularBuffer* pTxBuffer = &TxBuffer; CircularBuffer RxBuffer; CircularBuffer* pRxBuffer = &RxBuffer; volatile uint8_t TxActive; void uart_init(void) { UBRR0 = 103; /* set BAUD rate to 9600 */ UCSR0C |= (0<Readpointer = 0; pTxBuffer->Writepointer = 0; pRxBuffer->Readpointer = 0; pRxBuffer->Writepointer = 0; } /********Sending Data********/ void uart_send_string(char* string) { /* Take a whole string and transmit every char from it */ int i = 0; while(string[i] != '\0'){ uart_send_byte(string[i]); i++; } } void uart_send_byte(char c) { /* Disable the TX Interrupt to prevent issues while writing to the send buffer*/ UCSR0B &= ~(1< write the byte to the buffer if no -> write the byte to the UDR0 register and enable the transmit in progress flag */ if(TxActive){ pTxBuffer->data[pTxBuffer->Writepointer++] = c; if (pTxBuffer->Writepointer>=SIZE_BUFFER){ pTxBuffer->Writepointer = 0; } } else { TxActive = 1; UDR0 = c; } /* Enable the TX Interrupt again*/ UCSR0B |= (1< read the next byte and write it to UDR0 register if aligned -> no more data to send, disable the send in progress flag */ if(pTxBuffer->Readpointer != pTxBuffer->Writepointer) { /* writing data to the register withing the interrupt will cause a new interrupt which then will repeat till no more data is to be read from the send buffer */ UDR0 = pTxBuffer->data[pTxBuffer->Readpointer++]; if(pTxBuffer->Readpointer >= SIZE_BUFFER){ pTxBuffer->Readpointer = 0; } } else { TxActive = 0; } } /*******Receiving Data*******/ uint8_t uart_data_available(void) { uint8_t dataAvailabel = 0; /* Disable the RX Interrupt to prevent issues when checking if data is available */ UCSR0B &= ~(1< data is available and can be read */ if(pRxBuffer->Readpointer != pRxBuffer->Writepointer){ dataAvailabel = 1; } /* Enable the RX Interrupt again*/ UCSR0B |= (1< data is available and can be read */ if(pRxBuffer->Readpointer != pRxBuffer->Writepointer) { /* read a char from the buffer and increment the read pointer */ data = pRxBuffer->data[pRxBuffer->Readpointer++]; if(pRxBuffer->Readpointer >= SIZE_BUFFER){ pRxBuffer->Readpointer = 0; } } /* Enable the RX Interrupt again*/ UCSR0B |= (1<data[pRxBuffer->Writepointer++] = data; if(pRxBuffer->Writepointer >= SIZE_BUFFER) { pRxBuffer->Writepointer = 0; } } }