package de.thm.tlf.photoViewer; import; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings; import; import; import javafx.concurrent.Task; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.geometry.Insets; import javafx.geometry.Orientation; import javafx.geometry.Pos; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.scene.image.Image; import javafx.scene.image.ImageView; import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode; import javafx.scene.input.KeyCodeCombination; import javafx.scene.input.KeyCombination; import javafx.scene.layout.*; import javafx.stage.FileChooser; import javafx.stage.Stage; import; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * Controller Class for Image-viewer. * Holds GUI elements as well as the handling of any user input. * * @author Tim Lukas Förster * @version 1.0 * repository: */ public class PVController extends Application { //////////////////////////// //------ Attributes ------// //////////////////////////// // Constants // private static final String ARROWPREV = "icons/left-arrow.png"; private static final String ARROWNEXT = "icons/right-arrow.png"; // CENTER // private final ScrollPane currentViewSP = new ScrollPane(); private final ImageView centerImageView = new ImageView(); // TOP // private final VBox menu = new VBox(); private final MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(); private final Menu fileMenu = new Menu("File"); private final Menu aboutMenu = new Menu("About"); private final MenuItem menuItemOpenFiles = new MenuItem("Open"); private final MenuItem menuItemClearViewer = new Menu("Close all pictures"); private final MenuItem menuItemStartSlideShow = new MenuItem("Start Slide Show"); private final MenuItem menuItemExitViewer = new Menu("Exit"); private final MenuItem menuItemShowInfo = new Menu("Information"); // BOTTOM // private final VBox bottomPanel = new VBox(); //private final HBox selectionPane = new HBox(); private final ListView previewPane = new ListView<>(); private final VBox pictureSelector = new VBox(); private final BorderPane bottomLowerPanel = new BorderPane(); private final HBox bottomLeft = new HBox(); private final HBox bottomMid = new HBox(); private final HBox bottomRight = new HBox(); private final Button openFilesButton = new Button("Open Pictures"); private Slider zoomSlider; private Slider slideShowSpeedSlider; private final Button prevPicBtn = new Button("<-"); private final Button nextPicBtn = new Button("->"); private final Button slideShowBtn = new Button("Slide Show"); private final Button fullScreenBtn = new Button("Fullscreen"); // Picture handling // private PictureHandler picHandler; // Etc. // private Thread slideShowThread; private boolean bIsFullScreen = false; private boolean bSlideShowActive = false; private final DoubleProperty slideShowSpeed = new SimpleDoubleProperty(4); private final DoubleProperty zoomProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty(200); // Key Combinations & Shortcuts // private final KeyCombination keyCrtlQ = new KeyCodeCombination(KeyCode.Q, KeyCombination.CONTROL_ANY); //////////////////////////////// //------ End Attributes ------// //////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////// //------ Methods ------// ///////////////////////// /** * Entrypoint to program * @param args String-Array supplied when starting the application */ public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } /** * Method initializing GUI * @param primaryStage Default stage supplied when GUI is created */ @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { picHandler = PictureHandler.getInstance(); BorderPane root = new BorderPane(); root.setCenter(createCenter()); root.setTop(createTop()); root.setBottom(createBottom()); Scene mainScene = new Scene(root, 1200, 800); // Create all Actions // createSliderActions(); createMenuActions(primaryStage); createClickActions(primaryStage); // Keypress Actions // mainScene.setOnKeyPressed(event -> { if (keyCrtlQ.match(event)) { Platform.exit(); } else{ switch (event.getCode()) { case RIGHT: case A: try { centerImageView.setImage(picHandler.getPrevPicture().getImage()); } catch (NoPicturesLoadedException npl) { showNoPicturesLoadedWarning(); } break; case LEFT: case D: try { centerImageView.setImage(picHandler.getNextPicture().getImage()); } catch (NoPicturesLoadedException npl) { showNoPicturesLoadedWarning(); } break; } } }); primaryStage.setTitle("Photo Viewer"); primaryStage.setScene(mainScene);; } /** * Task used to run the slideshow in separate Threat. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private final Task slideShowTask = new Task(){ @Override @SuppressWarnings("BusyWait") protected Void call() throws Exception { while(bSlideShowActive) { Thread.sleep((long)(slideShowSpeed.get()*1000)); centerImageView.setImage(picHandler.getNextPicture().getImage()); } return null; } }; /** * Even wrapper for openFileDialogEvent * @param stage the primary stage, used to display the file-open-dialog * @return EventHandler for dialog handling */ private EventHandler openFileDialogEvent(Stage stage) { return e -> openFileDialog(stage); } /** * Event wrapper for clear function * @return EventHandle executing the clearPreviewView function */ private EventHandler clearPreviewViewEvent(){ return e -> clearViewer(); } /** * Event wrapper for showAboutDialog function * @return EventHandle executing the showAboutDialog function */ private EventHandler showAboutDialogEvent(){ return e -> showAboutDialog(); } /** * Event wrapper for showAboutDialog function * @return EventHandle executing the showAboutDialog function */ private EventHandler toggleSlidesHowEvent(){ return e -> toggleSlideShow(); } //////////////////////////////// //------ Helper-Methods ------// //////////////////////////////// /** * Helper method for handling sliders */ private void createSliderActions() { //TODO: Zoom kinda wonky... should be redone. // Zoom Action // zoomProperty.addListener(observable -> { centerImageView.setFitWidth(zoomProperty.get() * 4); centerImageView.setFitHeight(zoomProperty.get() * 3); }); zoomSlider.valueProperty().addListener((observableValue, oldVal, newVal) -> { if (oldVal.doubleValue() < newVal.doubleValue()){ zoomProperty.set(zoomProperty.get() + 10); } else if (oldVal.doubleValue() > newVal.doubleValue()){ zoomProperty.set(zoomProperty.get() - 10); } }); // SlideShowSpeed Action // slideShowSpeed.addListener(observable -> {}); slideShowSpeedSlider.valueProperty().addListener((observableValue, oldVal, newVal) -> slideShowSpeed.set((double)newVal)); } /** * Helper method for handling menus and -entries * @param stage the primary stage, used to display the file-open-dialog */ private void createMenuActions(Stage stage) { menuItemOpenFiles.setOnAction(openFileDialogEvent(stage)); menuItemExitViewer.setOnAction(e -> Platform.exit()); menuItemClearViewer.setOnAction(clearPreviewViewEvent()); menuItemStartSlideShow.setOnAction(toggleSlidesHowEvent()); menuItemShowInfo.setOnAction(showAboutDialogEvent()); } /** * Helper method for handling button interaction * @param stage the primary stage, used to display the file-open-dialog and control fullscreen functions */ private void createClickActions(Stage stage) { // Opens the File dialog openFilesButton.setOnAction(openFileDialogEvent(stage)); // Displays the previous Picture prevPicBtn.setOnAction(e -> { try{ centerImageView.setImage(picHandler.getPrevPicture().getImage()); } catch (NoPicturesLoadedException npl){ showNoPicturesLoadedWarning();} }); // Displays the next picture nextPicBtn.setOnAction(e -> { try{ centerImageView.setImage(picHandler.getNextPicture().getImage()); } catch (NoPicturesLoadedException npl){ showNoPicturesLoadedWarning();} }); // Sets the PictureViewer to fullscreen fullScreenBtn.setOnAction(e -> { stage.setFullScreen(!bIsFullScreen); bIsFullScreen ^= true; }); // Starts the slideshow on first click, stops it on the next one slideShowBtn.setOnAction(toggleSlidesHowEvent()); // Clicking on any picture in the Previews opens said picture in the main view previewPane.setOnMouseClicked(e -> { try { centerImageView.setImage(picHandler.getPictureByID(previewPane.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex()).getImage()); } catch (NoPicturesLoadedException ignored) { } }); } /** * Method that will start and stop (toggle) the Slide show and set the corresponding texts to all buttons etc. */ private void toggleSlideShow(){ try { if (!bSlideShowActive) { // This statement is to catch any errors regarding no images loaded centerImageView.setImage(picHandler.getNextPicture().getImage()); bSlideShowActive = true; slideShowThread = new Thread(slideShowTask); slideShowThread.start(); // Change text of slideshow switches slideShowBtn.setText("Stop Slide Show"); menuItemStartSlideShow.setText("Stop Slide Show"); } else { bSlideShowActive = false; // Change text of slideshow switches slideShowBtn.setText("Slide Show"); menuItemStartSlideShow.setText("Start Slide Show"); assert slideShowThread != null; slideShowThread.interrupt(); } } catch (NoPicturesLoadedException npl){ showNoPicturesLoadedWarning(); } } /** * Open file-dialog allowing to select multiple pictures (via filter), * adds them to the PictureHandler and updates the picture preview * @param stage the primary stage, used to display the file-open-dialog */ private void openFileDialog(Stage stage) { FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); fileChooser.setTitle("Open Pictures"); fileChooser.getExtensionFilters().addAll( new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("Image Files", "*.png", "*.jpg", "*.gif")); List selectedPictures = fileChooser.showOpenMultipleDialog(stage); if (selectedPictures != null) { try { picHandler.loadPictures(selectedPictures); PVController.this.updatePreviewView(); centerImageView.setImage(picHandler.getNextPicture().getImage()); } catch (NoPicturesLoadedException npl) { showNoPicturesLoadedWarning(); } } } /** * Method that updates the preview Pane with all PreviewPictures provided by the Picture Handler */ private void updatePreviewView(){ clearViewer(); //previewPane.setPadding(new Insets(5,5,5,5)); for(PicturePreview pp: picHandler.getPreviews()){ ImageView iv = new ImageView(pp.getImage()); iv.setFitWidth(150); iv.setFitHeight(150); iv.setSmooth(true); iv.setPreserveRatio(true); previewPane.getItems().add(iv); } } /** * Used to clear the preview and center panel */ private void clearViewer(){ previewPane.getItems().clear(); //previewPane.setPadding(new Insets(5,5,5,5)); centerImageView.setImage(null); } /** * Show a dialogue displaying copyright information about the program. */ private void showAboutDialog(){ Dialog aboutDialog = new Dialog<>(); aboutDialog.setTitle("About this program"); ButtonType btnType = new ButtonType("Ok", ButtonBar.ButtonData.OK_DONE); aboutDialog.setContentText(""" Created by Tim Lukas Förster Icons made by for"""); //Adding buttons to the aboutDialog pane aboutDialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(btnType);; } /** * Displays a warning dialogue informing the user that no pictures has been loaded yet * and the executed action is not possible. */ private void showNoPicturesLoadedWarning(){ Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.WARNING); alert.setTitle("No pictures loaded"); alert.setContentText("No pictures have been loaded" + "\nPlease select pictures via the menu or via the open button to view them."); alert.showAndWait().ifPresent(rs -> { }); } /** * Method that handles the settings and layout of the top Panel * @return Node, set up for displaying on the top of a GridPane */ private Node createTop(){ SeparatorMenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem(); // File Menu fileMenu.getItems().addAll(menuItemOpenFiles, menuItemClearViewer, sep, menuItemStartSlideShow, menuItemExitViewer); // About Menu aboutMenu.getItems().addAll(menuItemShowInfo); // Menu bar menuBar.getMenus().addAll(fileMenu, aboutMenu); // Adding Menus to Top Panel menu.getChildren().addAll(menuBar); return menu; } /** * Method that handles the settings and layout of the center Panel * @return Node, set up for displaying on the center of a GridPane */ private Node createCenter(){ // Use stack pane and magic to center the image on screen StackPane imageHolder = new StackPane(centerImageView); GridPane grid = new GridPane(); currentViewSP.setContent(imageHolder); imageHolder.minWidthProperty().bind(Bindings.createDoubleBinding(() -> currentViewSP.getViewportBounds().getWidth(), currentViewSP.viewportBoundsProperty())); imageHolder.minHeightProperty().bind(Bindings.createDoubleBinding(() -> currentViewSP.getViewportBounds().getHeight(), currentViewSP.viewportBoundsProperty())); grid.getChildren().add(imageHolder); centerImageView.setX(10); centerImageView.setY(10); centerImageView.setPreserveRatio(true); return currentViewSP; } /** * Method that handles the settings and layout of the bottom Panel * @return Node, set up for displaying on the bottom of a GridPane */ private Node createBottom() { bottomLowerPanel.setPadding(new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5)); // Left Bottom Part zoomSlider = new Slider(0, 100, 25); zoomSlider.setShowTickMarks(true); Label zoomLabel = new Label("Zoom:"); bottomLeft.getChildren().addAll(openFilesButton, zoomLabel, zoomSlider); bottomLeft.setSpacing(5); bottomLowerPanel.setLeft(bottomLeft); // Middle Bottom Part try { // Set pictures as prev/next buttons ImageView prevPic = new ImageView(new Image(new FileInputStream(ARROWPREV))); prevPic.setFitHeight(10); prevPic.setPreserveRatio(true); prevPicBtn.setText(null); prevPicBtn.setGraphic(prevPic); ImageView nextPic = new ImageView(new Image(new FileInputStream(ARROWNEXT))); nextPic.setFitHeight(10); nextPic.setPreserveRatio(true); nextPicBtn.setText(null); nextPicBtn.setGraphic(nextPic); } catch (FileNotFoundException ignored){ // fallback to text prevPicBtn.setGraphic(null); nextPicBtn.setGraphic(null); prevPicBtn.setText("<-"); nextPicBtn.setText("->"); } bottomMid.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); bottomMid.setSpacing(5); bottomMid.getChildren().addAll(prevPicBtn, slideShowBtn, nextPicBtn); bottomLowerPanel.setCenter(bottomMid); // Right Bottom Part slideShowSpeedSlider = new Slider(0.5, 15, 4); slideShowSpeedSlider.setShowTickMarks(true); slideShowSpeedSlider.setShowTickLabels(true); Label sssLabel = new Label("Speed:"); bottomRight.getChildren().addAll(sssLabel,slideShowSpeedSlider, fullScreenBtn); bottomLowerPanel.setRight(bottomRight); // Bottom upper Part -> Picture preview pictureSelector.setPadding(new Insets(2,2,2,2)); previewPane.setOrientation(Orientation.HORIZONTAL); previewPane.setMaxHeight(150); //selectionPane.setSpacing(5); pictureSelector.getChildren().add(previewPane); bottomPanel.getChildren().addAll(pictureSelector, bottomLowerPanel); return (bottomPanel); } //////////////////////////////////// //------ End Helper-Methods ------// //////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// //------ End Methods ------// ///////////////////////////// }