if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ (fgconsole) -eq 1 ]; startx end # uncomment to automatically start tmux if status is-interactive and not set -q TMUX exec tmux end fish_ssh_agent function q exit end function lf command lfub end function cl command clear && ls end function cat bat --theme=Nord $argv end function tn tmux new -s (pwd | sed 's/.*\///g') end function ls lsd $argv --group-dirs first end function ll lsd -lha $argv --group-dirs first end function l lsd -lh $argv --group-dirs first end function tree lsd --tree $argv end function ds command du -sch * | sort -rh end function hv command nmcli --ask connection up "HP VPN" end function hvd command nmcli connection down "HP VPN" end function nv command nvim $argv end