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# History Suggestion Strategy #
# Suggests the most recent history item that matches the given
# prefix.
_zsh_autosuggest_strategy_history() {
# Reset options to defaults and enable LOCAL_OPTIONS
emulate -L zsh
# Enable globbing flags so that we can use (#m) and (x~y) glob operator
# Escape backslashes and all of the glob operators so we can use
# this string as a pattern to search the $history associative array.
# - (#m) globbing flag enables setting references for match data
# TODO: Use (b) flag when we can drop support for zsh older than v5.0.8
local prefix="${1//(#m)[\\*?[\]<>()|^~#]/\\$MATCH}"
# Get the history items that match the prefix, excluding those that match
# the ignore pattern
local pattern="$prefix*"
# Give the first history item matching the pattern as the suggestion
# - (r) subscript flag makes the pattern match on values
typeset -g suggestion="${history[(r)$pattern]}"