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<pubDate>Thu, 02 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>A Git-Server Setup In Minutes Sometimes I wish I had other hobbies then just trying out new stuff I dicovered online.
For Some strange reason I felt the need to set up my own git server - because who doesn&rsquo;t need an own server for the two or three projects you keep on github? I looked around and searched for some solutions that would fit my needs.</description>
<pubDate>Sat, 20 Jan 2018 17:03:46 +0100</pubDate>
<description>Reverse Shell for 1,50€ - Digispark instead of USB Rubber Ducky Some of you might already have heard of it: The USB Rubber Ducky by Hak5. A very special USB-Device: Not only a mass storage device but any usb input-device you want it to be. Because of this you can use it for some very nice ways to get your payload onto a victims PC. The Rubber Ducky is freely programmable so there are no limits on what you can do with it.</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 08 Jan 2018 20:35:40 +0100</pubDate>
<description>Hello World! Hello there and welcome on n0x.io!
I&rsquo;m _N0x. I&rsquo;m 20 years old and &ldquo;Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung&rdquo;. I live in germany and Love tinkering with PCs and Software.
Thanks for stopping by ;)</description>