You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

103 lines
2.4 KiB

#include "../include/config_handling.h"
#include "../include/defines.h"
#include "../include/firmware_handling.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void testing(f_bffrP p_fb);
char *updated_file_name(char *orig);
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
/* Read in the firmware file into a f_bffr_t struct */
f_bffrP p_fb = get_firmware_buffer(argv[1]);
/* Call testing method */
// testing(p_fb);
f8_macroP *my_macros = get_f8_macros(argv[2]);
int len = sizeof(my_macros);
printf("Length of my_macros: %d\r\n", len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
set_program(p_fb, my_macros[i]);
char *new_name = updated_file_name(argv[1]);
write_firmware_buffer(new_name, p_fb);
return 0;
char *
updated_file_name(char *orig) {
char *ne = "_new.bin";
int len = strlen(orig);
char *new_name = malloc(len + 4);
strncpy(new_name, orig, len - 4);
strcat(new_name, ne);
printf("New File Name: %s", new_name);
return new_name;
testing(f_bffrP p_fb) {
set_key_value(p_fb->buffer, F8_KEY1, KEY_9_LeftParenthesis);
set_key_value(p_fb->buffer, F8_KEY2, KEY_8_Asterisk);
set_key_value(p_fb->buffer, F8_KEY3, KEY_7_Ampersand);
set_key_value(p_fb->buffer, F8_KEY4, KEY_6_Caret);
set_key_value(p_fb->buffer, F8_KEY5, KEY_5_Percent);
set_key_value(p_fb->buffer, F8_KEY6, KEY_4_Dollar);
set_key_value(p_fb->buffer, F8_KEY7, KEY_3_Pound);
set_key_value(p_fb->buffer, F8_KEY8, KEY_2_At);
/* for debugging -> print content of buffer to terminal */
for(int i = 0; i<p_fb->size; i++){
putc(isprint(p_fb->buffer[i]) ? p_fb->buffer[i] : '.', stdout);
f8_macro_actionP pma = calloc(1, sizeof(*pma));
pma->modifier = 0x00;
pma->delay = 0x00;
pma->action1 = 0x0B;
pma->action2 = 0x04;
pma->action3 = 0x0F;
pma->action4 = 0x0F;
pma->action5 = 0x12;
pma->action6 = 0x00;
f8_macroP pm = calloc(1, sizeof(*pm));
pm->offset = PROG1_OFFSET;
pm->actions[0] = pma;
pm->actions[1] = pma;
pm->actions[2] = pma;
pm->actions[3] = pma;
pm->actions[99] = pma;
set_program(p_fb, pm);