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title = "Git in minutes"
date = 2020-07-02
authors = ["_N0x"]
draft = false
# A Git-Server Setup In Minutes
Sometimes I wish I had other hobbies then just trying out new stuff I discovered online.
For Some strange reason I felt the need to set up my own git server - because who doesn't need an own server for the two or three projects you keep on github?
I looked around and searched for some solutions that would fit my needs.
My requirements were:
* Easy setup
* Very Low System requirements for the host
* Account management
* Private and Public Repos
* Open Source
## The Possibilities
There were multiple solutions to choose from.
The first one was [GitLab Core]( [GitLab]( is widely know and a nice alternative to [GitHub]( But GitLab core does require some more System resources then my current Server has and so I ruled it out. It is good for bigger companies but I just needed something small.
[Gitea]( was the next thing I came across. It checks all the boxes: lightweight, simple install, Open Source, etc. I downloaded it but had trouble getting it to run with my current database without exposing my database port to the internet and that is a big No. I don't want to open any more ports in my firewall then I need to.
Here is where [GitBucket]( (not to be confused with ATLASSIANs [Bitbucket]( came into play. It has similar features as Gitea but I was able to set it up exactly how I wanted to.
So now []( is a thing!
## Setting up GitBucket
### Prerequirements
Just FYI I am running a little Debian 9 vServer so you might need to adapt the commands and changes to your system - which should be self-explanatory ;)
GitBucket is mostly written in Scala so we firstly need to install openJDK on our Server to run it.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre
After installing the JRE I created a user account on which GitBucket should run. This way we make sure that I we do not grant to much privileges to GitBucket - it only gets the minimal things it needs to run
sudo adduser --system gitbucket
The `--system` parameter creates a systemuser account which mean a user that has no shell so we can't log into it the normal `su` way. To login to the new user use the following command:
sudo su - gitbucket -s /bin/bash
With `-s /bin/bash` we provide a shell to the user so we don't get logged out immediately.
Now we download the [latest version]( of BitBucket (in my case 4.32.0) from GitHub to our local home.
cd ~
### Running GitBucket
That is pretty much it. Now we can run GitBucket.war for the first time. There are multiple parameters you can specify ([See the official installation guide]( but for now we stick with just specifying the port we want GitBucket to run on initially
java -jar gitbucket.war --port=8080
If you have a firewall set up like I do, you of course need to open up the port you specified. For example if you use iptables:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT